Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Webinar: The Role of Judges Regarding Climate Change

The French Court of Cassation, in collaboration with the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, the Society of Comparative Law, and the French National School for the Judiciary, is pleased to invite you to the Webinar "The Role of Judges Regarding Climate Change: What is the role and responsibility of courts in the face of climate injustice?"

The Webinar is scheduled for Monday 1 February 2021 from 5pm - 7pm (Paris time).

The webinar will focus on how climate issues challenge the role of judges - that of dispensing justice by applying the law - when confronted with climate injustice.

The Webinar will feature the following Speakers:

WCEL Chair Antonio Herman Benjamin, Justice at the National High Court of Brazil, Leading founding member of the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment

WCEL Member Luc Lavrysen, President of the Belgium Constitutional Court, President of the European Union Forum of Judges for the Environment (EUFJE)

WCEL Member Marc Clement, Presiding Judge at the Administrative Court of Lyon (France), member of the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee and ex-legal adviser of the European Environment Agency and the DG for Environment of the European Commission

Stephanie Reiche-de Vigan, Senior lecturer in Climate law and Sustainable development law at Paris Sciences & Lettres University, President of the Climate, Natural resources and Energy Department of the French Society of Comparative Law - moderator

Interpretation will be provided in English, French, and Spanish. 

Please join the zoom here: https://zoom.us/j/98234965079?pwd=ZDRldnE5ajF6SHN0bllsQU55VUsydz09

Meeting ID: 982 3496 5079

Password: 837462

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